Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Excellence in Cyprus

A couple of days ago I left the country of Cyprus where I was working with an excellent organization called OEB. They are a non-profit who serve industry and business throughout this delightful little country. Small in size but huge in desire and potential. Maria S. and Petros P. from OEB are two of the most outstanding people I have ever worked with. Everything they did in connection with the conference and on-site professional visits was done with excellence. Thank you!!

If ever there was a guy who appreciates Excellence, I'm the guy. I love watching people going above and beyond the normal. Regardless if it's athletics, business or personal life, I admire excellence! Excellence comes from the word excel which means to go beyond average.

Most people are satisfied with "average." A "C" grade in school has become good enough or even worse (as we use to joke in college) "2.0 and roll." We have developed a mind set of good is good enough.

You can see it in vision statements from companies's that declare their desire of "meeting customer expectations." Hey! How about "exceeding" customer expectations? You see this "average " mentality with companies' who are making "budget plan" which has become the driving force of the organizations. You even see it in the sloppy, casual appearance of over weight and out of shape young professionals.

In Jim Collins book "Good to Great" he brilliantly illustrates how good has become the enemy of companies and why they will never experience GREAT. Why? Because of their satisfaction with normal or good enough.

It's the little things that carry you and your firm beyond average. This is what I experienced with OEB and several companies throughout Cyprus.

I view excellence as a life style and attitude more than a mandated company policy. Often it's the little things that are not required that push people into the "beyond average" category. People and organizations who are "class acts" behave with excellence ALL the time. Here are some examples.

1. Starting on time for meetings and appointments.

2. Being where you say your going to be when you say you'll be there.

3. Getting off your butt (guys) while the plane is loading to help a struggling woman lift a bag in an over head bin.

4. Looking for those opportunities to help, rather than turning away when you see someone lost or confused.

5. Having an agenda and plan which is thoroughly communicated to everyone affected well in advance.

6. Insuring that you begin your day by remembering that you really are "no big deal" but have been blessed by God to have what you have and be in a position of influence for the greater good.

7. Answering emails regularly and in a timely manner as a habit (a specific pet peeve of mine.)

8. Be kind. Something lost in today's society. Just plain ole "kindness" to every person regardless of social or economic status.

9. Establishing a healthy life style and looking like a person of excellence. As my friend Mary Price says "dress for the job you want, not for the job you have."

10. Giving a genuine "Thank you" when deserved . Which brings me to...Thank YOU Cypriot professionals for your demonstration of excellence!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Work with "Purpose"

This week I begin a somewhat intense travel schedule. My first assignment of two weeks will be in Cyprus. I will be working with a very fine organization called OEB who serve Employers and Industrialists throughout this beautiful country. I'm excited to present a 2 day Seminar to HR professionals and then conduct a series of "On-Site" company visits. The rest of the Fall will find me traveling and working in Russia, Montenegro and, possibly, Greece.

With challenging economic issues worldwide many companies are exploring new markets, process and opportunities like never before. I'm no different. I too, am looking to expand my business borders and am actively reaching out to new territories. Great organizations are always looking down the road for the next big thing or that next big idea. I'm grateful that people are asking me for guidance in a variety of business methods to enhance growth and profit inside their firms.

When I went into private practice several years ago, I sat down with pen in hand to capture what was in my heart and head concerning my business life and purpose as an executive coach and teacher. Those items I listed have never changed and coupled with my operating principles I have had little regret for the roads I have traveled in the past 20 years. I have made a positive impact on the businesses and in the lives of people that I have worked with. In return they have enriched and taught me many things as well.

A business friend of mine who works for DVCC in Maryland has some basic questions he asks people to answer concerning their jobs.

Is it fun?
Is it equitable?
Am I recognized?
Is it mine?
Is it meaningful?
Is it challenging?
Am I needed?
Am I wanted?

Those last two are my additions. I have always told CEO's and Presidents that there are two things which must be present before I will take them on as a client. I must be wanted, and I must be needed. Those statements, answered in the affirmative, will allow me to work with "purpose" around the world.

What about you? How do you answer the above questions? Let me know